Sunday, February 2, 2014

2014 Resolutions!

Hey guys,
I was planning to have this posted at the beginning of the year but life got in the way. I am a college student majoring in Pharmacy so I spend a lot of time focused on school. I wanted to start off the school year really strong so I never got around to posting this post. I hope to be posting some type of post at least twice a week.

My main goal of this year is to actually stay active on this blog. (so far not so good). I am going to list them below now.
  • Goodreads goal this year is 150 books. This is an average of 13 books a month. 
  • I want to spend more time reading a wider variety of books this year. I read a lot of YA so I want to try to read out of my comfort zone.
  • Post at least once a week her on this blog from here on.
  • Read what I want and not feel pressured to read "real" books. This basically means not being upset with myself for wanting to read comics and novellas.
  • Reviewing is also something I want to focus on. When it comes to blogging this is the most intimidating factor to.

This is the general things I want to focus on but I will be including others and hope to meet all of my goals and go past them as well. At the end of the year I will post on how well I did following my goals for the year.

Blessed Reading,